Saturday 25 July 2009

Vague Imagines – The Abyss PT I

I was laying here thinking how I would work this puzzle out in my mind.
It is right there, in the forefront.
Many things, just coming up and working there way down into the abyss.

The abyss.
Where is the abyss?
What does the abyss look like?
I can only but imagine as I do not see it, but I know it is there.
It is vast, it is great. It is higher than me, or am I greater than it?
I am it.
Thinking always when I don’t need to, but I feel to, I want to, but I don’t.
I am thinking now about what will come of this piece I now write.
I don’t know but I will just flow and see where it leads me.
I have truly let go of many things that truly serve me no purpose.
I mean many things.
I am respecting all life forms.
Forms that serve many dimensions.
I exist on the lower planes, via my body and the conditioning of my thinking.
I am in total control. I am in control.
I choose as I please.
In the lower plane of many distorted imagines and vain acceptance I use to,
I used to dwell in a dark place where I could not see.
I used to close my eyes and Jurne.
I would Jurne to a place of loneliness, trying to understand, knowing that I understood, but not understanding.
Hearing tones that were there to help raise my vibrations but not really hearing them.
Making many associations to what I thought it should be, could be, would be,
The abyss.
The abyss can be whatever you want it to be. It never takes away, neither adds to what it is.
Many choices.
You choose.
I chose to move forward, to enquire, to go to a deeper place, as I continuously hear this calling come forth.
Do not be afraid to see what you have always seen.
Fear is not here but it is there at the very place that you, yourself created it to be.
I leave fear behind with great effort.
It promises me many things, if I was to make a choice not to separate from the relationship we have built.
Many things that no longer appeal to me, I need no more.
I desire to find out the opposite of Fears existence.
Fear never told me it had an opposite.
I am just finding out.
What is Fear’s opposite?
I don’t know but I will find out.
I will find out as I begin to move forward in to the abyss.
The tone is raising, I hear it.
I look around with Fear.
I even go as far as to look into Fear.
I begin the Jurne of remembering that everything has an opposite.
As I moved forward into the direction of the abyss I vaguely see Fear.
Fear is now in my distance, fearing being left alone.

(Dakini Goddess)

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