Saturday 8 August 2009

My Rituals......

ALL acts of LOVE and PLEASURE are MY RITUALS...I cast my spell with the words that I speak...I pour liabation as an offering to MY ANCESTORS...I gaze into the SUN and we embrace....I walk on the blades of root my being into EARTH MOTHER...I touch you with my MIND...caressing YOU with the flow of my imagination....I sooth your SOUL with the essence of my SOUL...We UNITE...SOUL2SOUL....x


Will You Lose YOUR SOUL...?

Tell me..what does it profit a man/woman to GAIN the whole world and LOSE their SOUL..? Materialism acts a trap...which has been designed to constantly consume YOU...YOU become a consumer of materials...Will your shoes and clothes save YOUR SOUL...will your house and car release you from the past....will your make up cover up your tears or wipe them away..WILL YOUR MONEY LAST FOREVER or will YOUR SOUL...?


Today is Healing Day.....

Good day beLOVEDs...Today is a good day to heal YOUR past...start by accepting who YOU are....the things YOU are not happy about and need to change....CHANGE it today...Don't forget to forgive yourself for anything YOU have done or have not is the day for YOU to LOVE yourself....YOU are who YOU have been waiting for...if YOU need support...ask for it.....there is much available...x


Sexual Energy

Why do we not talk about the most powerful energy on this planet openly...with honor and respect...? This energy I speak of is SEXUAL is our root life energy and if we are cut off from our root...we will surely die....We entered the earth plane ignited by sexual energy..SEXUAL ENERGY is FULL...COMPLETE...RAW....and transforms us....balances us...heals us...and connects us to the SOURCE..x



I AM high on LOVE vibrations....people transform in my presence.....I AM open and I give YOU my TRUE heART...I AM a GUIDE who will LEAD YOU to YOUR TRUE self...just by refelcting my TRUE SELF to YOU......I AM a mirror.....when YOU see me....YOU will see YOU too......Are you ready to take a look......?



We are going through a major change at this time....physical...emotional and spiritual..when we are going through these changes..we attract someone to help us through this phase of our experience..this person is YOUR GUIDE...and they serve YOU a purpose......x


Falling In LOVE

We often use the term "Falling IN LOVE"....what happens when one falls?....We lose control of our standing ability...and suddenly descend to the floor....on falling...we often hurt ourselves ....Falling IN LOVE can often cause one to is better to RISE IN LOVE....just like an ascending takes its time....smoothly rising to the top.....Together we RISE IN LOVE....Namaste....x

Beginning & End

There is no beginning and there is no ending......our LIFE is like a circle...what goes around...comes around.....when we think something is ending....something else is just beginning.....we are ever increasing circles......we ripple in and out of each others lives continuously.......Namaste......x


Do you think we can hurt one another and get away with it...?...Do we not know....when we hurt another we hurt ourselves.....If karma doesn't pay NOW it WILL pay later......Pay for your KARMIC debt and become debt FREE........KARMA NEVER FORGETS A DEBT....Namaste...x

Embrace The Essence

As I sit here absorbing ALL that is within me....I embrace the essence of my BEING....totally unattached from emotions swirling around inside of me......thinking how magikal my thoughts are.....and how I AM the cr8her of my life.......I have a sense of freedom that bestows upon me peace........I AM STILL..........Namaste.....x

The Sparkle

The sparkle within my eyes....are the reflection of my connection to HOME.....when you look within my will remember who and what you will be reminded of your DIVINE PURPOSE......The sparkle is the LIGHT to LOVE........come on in.......In to me you see.....Intimacy.......we are searching for LOVE inside of each other...because we know this is where LOVE lives........Come in side.....Namaste..

Your Strength

May I remind you.....there is nothing you can not and will not were born with just need to be reminded of where inside....your strength LIVES...your strength is birthed in your thoughts and how you process and focus upon are creating it ALL.....everything you need is ALL inside of not be dis-illusioned....remember your strength....YOU NEED IT....Namaste..x

Journey to The GREAT I AM

I would like to invite you on a journey...inside of YOU.....where you can LOVE and rememberance....(for full experience....listen with headphones)......Ready yourself to flow into your SOUL naturally.......Get ready to feel YOU AGAIN....Namaste.....x