Saturday 25 July 2009

Love Without Attachments & Expectations.....

This is one of the hardest lessons there is to learn in this life time, but I am learning to master this!
Loving, being loved, sharing love, being in Love, Love Love Love is a beautiful thing.

It changes your whole life and makes you feel special.
They say Love hurts, it does not.
Attachments are the ones that will hurt you and rip your heart in two, but yet we blame this on Love.

I Love to Love and I am getting to know Love real well.
The Love that I know does not hurt.
Love only knows how to Love.
You see we attach ourselves to the ones that we are loving, we become dependent on the one that we are loving.
When and if the one we are loving grows and needs to move on to their next period of learning and experiencing, the attachment finds it hard to let go, we still Love, but yet we still hurt.
Not fully understanding why the one we Love needs to move on, we may take this on as Love rejecting us.
Love does not reject, our Ego and our thinking does!

In order for us to not feel the pain and the hurt of Attachments, we need to learn to Love without attaching ourselves to another.
Change is inevitable in our lives, people come and people go!
Ohhhh and another thing we blame on Love, is Expectations.
Expectation is the mother of all fuckups!

These are the two things we enter into our relationships with!
Attachments and Expectations
Watch our for these two, they are the ones that cause the real deep pain and hurt!
Lets stop blaming love.
Love does not change itself, cannot and will not!
If it was love in the beginning it will be love in the end!

It is time for us to learn how to Love without attachments and expectations.
Allow the freedom of Love to be!

Ms B.L.U
(Dakini Goddess)

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