Monday 27 July 2009


Who and what I am still remain's a mystery to myself, so to try and explain me to you will remain a mystery. I am who I am in this moment of being.

My passion is seeking truth, reality, spirituality and high-self. The truth is not something that can be discovered through knowledge alone but rather through experience which leads you to the concept of knowing. The truth has to be experienced and can never be said.

In order to find truth for yourself, everything must be questioned and I cannot leave any thing unturned. The plan for the rest of my earthly life is to strip away all illusions & delusions and to find the real answers of who and what I truly am. I know this will require a deeper understanding of myself and that is done through serious self discovery.

If you know the ego, it is our false self and must be released to understand truth, but it doesn't want to leave and knows us well.

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